hyee readerrss~assalamualaikum:) welcome to my oficial blog http://gurlzcumil.blogspot.com If you wanna b my fren just add me at : http://www.facebook.com/inoueantari. nice to know u guys:D!
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سْــــــــــــــــــمِ ﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم
>heellloo peeps!im nurul antari juz call me nurul or yuy~:D >love to take pixca damn much !yes that is my hobby.LOL~ >Opsss !im oredy taken by mr shafiq since 27.o3.2011 >very hepi wif him<3 >we are happy family..kekeke

i loikkee...
Eating sanggar cheese!Ngee
sleep is also my hobby:D
Watching drama korea make me syok sendiri:p
listening jiwang song are heaven.lol

ShoutMix chat widget

all my post
December 2010 | January 2011 | February 2011 | March 2011 | April 2011 | May 2011 | September 2011 | November 2011 |

zaman sekolah rendahku:D
jalan tym bebeh!:D
saya n my buchukkk kena remove!-.-
try2 pkai shawl:DD
seerraaamm tahap dewi
agak2 seram..
saya happy sangat!:))
lagu ku merindu by syah n ella rentak dia sama dgn...
blog sya berat-.-
sakit ati lgi!

My pebret song

tutorial for blog:)
Written at Saturday, April 9, 2011 | back to top

hye readers!
tujuan sya nak wat entry kali ni sbb nak share dgn para blogger kat sna 2!espcially for a newbie,(ceh!cra sya ckp ni mcm lma dah kat dunia blog ni kan?)haahaha.actually sya ni pn bru gak dlm dunia blog ni..ngee~
taw x,,1 ari sya mluangkan masa mnghadap blog sya ni smbil2 b'blog walking la.klu nak mnghadap fb jak,sumpah!bosan sgt2 tw..arini sya krja fulltmie sbgai blogger,hahaha,.blog ni jak mnjdi teman sya spnjang arini,my bucuk xda sms..dia demamla..so,sya biarkan jakla dia rest,xmw ganggu dia,huhu..
ok!direct 2 de point..hurm,,korang,sapa2 yg nak bgi cntek kan dia pnya blog 2, kmu pgi jak la blog ni ya!
byk ow drg pnya tuto 2..
so,bgi a newbie yg rsa mcm xda semangat nak b'blog walking d sbbkan blog xcantik,korang blh la pgi blog yg sya suggest 2 ya!korang ksi touch up la blog korang supaya korang pnya semangat 2k BW SEmakin berkobar2,che..!
okla u olls sy chow dlu!
last words from me
MAJULAH BLOG UNTUK NEGARA!(Hahahaa..ayat wa 2 bai)