hyee readerrss~assalamualaikum:) welcome to my oficial blog http://gurlzcumil.blogspot.com If you wanna b my fren just add me at : http://www.facebook.com/inoueantari. nice to know u guys:D!
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سْــــــــــــــــــمِ ﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم
>heellloo peeps!im nurul antari juz call me nurul or yuy~:D >love to take pixca damn much !yes that is my hobby.LOL~ >Opsss !im oredy taken by mr shafiq since 27.o3.2011 >very hepi wif him<3 >we are happy family..kekeke

i loikkee...
Eating sanggar cheese!Ngee
sleep is also my hobby:D
Watching drama korea make me syok sendiri:p
listening jiwang song are heaven.lol

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saya n my buchukkk kena remove!-.-
try2 pkai shawl:DD
seerraaamm tahap dewi
agak2 seram..
saya happy sangat!:))
lagu ku merindu by syah n ella rentak dia sama dgn...
blog sya berat-.-
sakit ati lgi!
assalamualaikum..weeyy!arini mud nak menaip kurang...
cikgu dan murid:D

My pebret song

jalan tym bebeh!:D
Written at Wednesday, April 6, 2011 | back to top

hye u ollsss!
wey~~!kemarin punya kemarin kan..sya kan..jln kannn..sma kan..itu kan,,bf kan,,,,!
opssss!..hehe..ok2..kmren sya jln sma my buuchukk~ngee
sya happy sgt~
fez tym ni sya pgi taman muhibbah,,dri ari 2 lagi nak pegi..tpi xksmpaian..
n akhirnnya k'ignan sya trcpai jgak..hahaa..
tanxx my buuchhuukk,,klu sblm ni limpas2 jak kat dpnnya 2,,n now dpt msuk kat dlmnya..hehe
cntik tmpat 2..i looiiikkkkkeee:D
hmm..sblm pgi sna 2,kmi pgi bli mkan lu,,
kununnya mw mkn d SCR skli tnguk pnuh,,apa x nya,tym 2 org kja tgh rehat kan,,
jdi pgi bli mknan kat c2 jak,then cri tmpat mkn,,psing pnya pusing,xjmpa tmpat yg ssuai,,pas2,tiba2 sya igt taman muhibbah!nah..kmi pun trus pgi sna..huhu.
sunggu excited ow!(adididi,,mcm org bru kuar bndr ni):DD
So,kmi pn mkn kat sna,n yg paling puas ati 2,,,sya sahut cbaran c buchuuukkk,!hahaaha
sblm ni dia pna cbr sya untuk suap dia,!huhayy,,dia ngat sya xbrni,stkat suap jak pn..senang ajo:p
tpi sya suap skali je la..hahaha.dia kta cukup la..mcm baby plak Mw d suap2..LOL
lpas mkn 2,kmi take pixca kunuk ni,,!
jom kita tengok!:DD
P/S:pic ni utk spa2 yg nak tgk jak,xnak tgk blh bla..:p

*i loikee pic ni..candiddd:)
credit 2 mervyn~

thats all..xmw cite pnjang2,,hehe,,
paipai kengkawan:D